A life re-written: a JSP client story
A life re-written is this years ABI awareness week theme, during this time headway are illustrating how brain injury can affect anyone at any time, focussing particularly on how it throws plans into disarray and changes an individual’s identity as well as family and relationship dynamics and employability.
‘A life re-written’ has provided the JSP team with the opportunity to reflect on our work with brain injury survivors who have experienced post-traumatic growth and successfully achieved their goals and aspirations resulting in them leading as independent a preinjury lifestyle as possible. Whilst documenting these successes we also need to reflect on the reality that often goals are challenging and not always possible for some individuals. A proportion, will experience family breakdown as well as psychological issues and barriers when dealing with adjustment and realisation of the true extent of their injuries and the implications on daily living, lifestyle and independence.
The role of case management
At JSP we recognise, and support ABI awareness week whilst also reiterating the importance of this continuously being recognised day after day, year on year. The role of case management is vital in ensuring individuals are listened too and supported as well as ensuring they feel valued and empowered to work towards goals and aspirations. For some following ABI they are able to return to a fairly independently lifestyle and work with appropriate strategies and assistance in place via specialist MDT’s however for others their injuries bring with it a lifetime of support and medical assistance and intervention.
Whilst the medico legal frame work provides financial security and assistance, enabling robust care packages and specialist assistance we must also recognise those outside of this model who rely heavily on social care and loved ones to help navigate a pressured system.
This year I have chosen a case study which reflects a true inspirational client of ours who was catastrophically injured in 2001 but with the assistance of her case manager, multidisciplinary team and family really helps to demonstrate a life re-written.
Diana’s Case study
We have changed Diana’s name for her privacy.
Diana was married with 4 young children and ran her own business of aromatherapy and body care, when she was involved in a road traffic collision in December 2001. She spent over a year in hospital after the accident which left her with an ABI, spastic tetra paralysis and fixed flexion deformities in all joints, resulting in her being non-weight bearing. When Diana finally returned home, she needed 24/7 2:1 support, full moving and handling, personal care and received all of her nutritional and medication needs via a PEG. She was also diagnosed with pseudo bulbar syndrome and was left non – verbal, using hand gestures and facial expressions to communicate. Her husband gave up his work to care for the children and his wife. JSP set up her support package to care for Diana in her own home this followed the families relocation to Alnwick for the peace and quiet nature of the area as Diana was easily over stimulated early on in her recovery.
Diana soon proved she was made of stern stuff; she has been compared to the Iron Lady on more than one occasion, for defying medical odds and pulling through what have been, at times, extraordinarily concerning medical circumstances, causing her family, support team and Case Manager many sleepless nights. On her last visit to hospital, after more sleepless nights by all around, Diana was finally discharged and insisted on leaving via Costa, to enjoy one of her beloved Mocha’s before returning home!
A life re-written
Although originally PEG fed, Diana is now able to receive her nutritional and hydration needs orally. She enjoys daily home cooked meals and dining out with her now grown-up family, something she could once only dream of! She verbalises words and simple phrases and is about to start work with her Speech and Language therapist to work on her speech further. She is lightening fast at using her spell board, which is not easy to follow if your spelling is not up to speed and finds it amusing to spell out rude words for her Case Manager to read out in meetings!
Not only has Diana remained a loving wife, Mum, Sister and now Grandma, she has also developed incredible art skills. She has her own art shed in the garden and loves designing cards for her family and support team and recently JSP were lucky to be gifted several card designs. An eye for colour, evident in her choice of outfits and accessories, Diana has a particular penchant for anything that sparkles, and has recently commenced pouring paint artwork to match the newly decorated family kitchen.
Overcoming adversities
Diana has an amazing upbeat personality, with a wicked sense of humour. She has developed close links with her team, some of whom have supported her from the very early days following the accident. Diana is a joy to be around and is very empathetic to those around her. Diana and her husband have recently celebrated their Ruby Wedding Anniversary, and she is now the proud owner of a beautiful set of ruby jewellery, which she rightly wears with pride. Although Diana suffers from fatigue, there is no stopping her when it comes to one of her favourite pastimes, shopping, and she also loves to go on holidays within the UK. She is a shining example of a life re-written and most certainly someone living life to the full, overcoming adversities and continues to amaze all those that know her. Her team, Case Manager not to mention the whole of JSP, feel privileged to not only know, but work closely with this Sparkly Iron Lady!
Written by Gemma Armstrong and with thanks to Bel Smith, Senior Case Manager for sharing Diana’s story.